Michigan Gothic

No one thought the old casket plant would ever shut down. It operated for nearly a century, but since the last member of the family who owned it passed away it’s been dormant going on thirty years now. That is, until about three months ago. It was old Bill Chalders who first noticed the sound of machinery emanating from within late one night, but he’s a drunk with a reputation for creating drama so no one took him seriously. Then folks started seeing trucks coming and going at odd hours. Recently some people who were snooping around went missing. At the last town hall meeting, the mayor said there was nothing to worry about, but he sure looked worried. The sheriff said they’re investigating the disappearances and warned the public to stay away and pay no mind to the nightly mechanical droning. Neither could answer what was being manufactured there. Last week the police investigated a trail of blood in the empty employee parking lot, but so far no arrests have been made. Alice Clayburn said she heard screams coming from that direction the night before and now she’s also missing. Come to think of it, no one has seen old Bill around lately, either.
